‘Time is money,’ a very familiar and famous quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin but have you ever stopped to consider that ‘space is money’? How much is paper costing you per square metre?
One of the biggest challenges to overcome is the fact that human beings love paper! Many companies would now consider themselves to be paperless but even those using paperless systems fail to achieve their paperless strategy; often business leaders feel the need to print documents to add hard copies to an archive or as a backup to their digital storage. Interestingly, even when a company is working digitally it is common for legacy information to be retained in a paper file whether this be on or off site.
A Volume user recently contacted the help desk for scanning advice after using Volume for the past 9 years, they love the system and have used it since 2007. At the time of purchase they felt it to be a costly and time consuming task to digitise all of their archived paper; however, with the rising costs of storage they have now recognised that scanning all archived documents into Volume will save not only money but also reduce the time taken to access files, consequently improving efficiency.
Many companies choose to store their paper files off site, this is common amongst solicitors and accountants. By doing this companies are effectively ‘renting’ space to store paper files which could be held digitally; this would be more cost effective and greatly improve accessibility.
Don’t go part of the way to paperless- go all the way with Volume!
Each four-drawer filing cabinet holds an average of 10,000- 12,000 documents and takes up to 9 square feet of floor space. With the average price of renting office space in London reaching £55.34 per square foot it is clear to see that people are wasting phenomenal amounts of money on paper storage each year with it costing approximately £498.06 to simply store each filing cabinet.
In a world where tax disks are paperless, billing statements online and signatures digital it seems crazy to think that companies continue to pay to store paper 40 years after the concept of a ‘paperless office was introduced.’
Replicate paper processes in a digital environment and save time, money and space.
Think: Paper is vulnerable. More than 70% of today’s businesses would fail within three weeks if they suffered a catastrophic loss of paper-based records due to fire or flood.