Data security is a priority to any business. Deciding who can access what information and when. Remembering to update passwords, monitor settings and permissions, delete previous users; the list goes on! With Volume we’ve done the work so you don’t have to. A company’s Volume administrator is responsible for overseeing the setup of Volume on new machines and/or creating new users. This individual has the authority and know-how to add restrictions to cabinets and folders, essentially locking cabinets allowing only specific users access.

One of the latest enhancements to our Volume software allows users to set passwords to expire after a set number of days. Password expiry date feature is available in Volume from version It is optional and switched off by default.

Should a user leave your business, you can easily make their Volume account inactive – this stops the user from logging in but retains audit history and deleted items in case they are needed later.

Thinking about switching to Volume? Visit the knowledgebase to find answers to your questions.

There has been a big shift in the numbers of people going from storing data locally to using the cloud. Back in 2012 Gartner predicted the shift saying “emerging cloud services will become the glue that connects the web of devices that users choose to access during the different aspects of their daily life.”

Data security is a priority to any business – remembering to update passwords, monitor settings and permissions, delete previous users; the list goes on!

One of the major factors holding businesses back from moving to the cloud is concerns surrounding security. The security of your data is the foundation of our Volumeremote product, which works behind the scenes to offer;

Confidentiality – Per-business security tokens compliment usernames and passwords throughout, restricting which components can connect to which services. TLS encryption is utilised for transmission of paperwork crossing the internet, ensuring all transfers are authenticated and secure.

Integrity – As soon as paperwork enters Volume it is given a cryptographic checksum which stays with it forever, highlighting errors or tampering during transmission or storage. The checksum is essentially an assigned mathematical value that is used to verify its identity at a future date. RAID based storage throughout, offering reduced chance of data corruption and improved performance.

Availability – Regular automated backups across multiple locations reduce the risk of data loss or prolonged outages due to serious network problems or datacentre disasters.

Volume is secure, reliable and easy to use and you can find the right Volume solution for your business here.

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For press queries, please contact:

Jessica Alred
Marketing Manager
+44 (0)1274 535090