Volumeremote. Turn your cloud-first intent into cloud-first reality.
Cloud is no longer an emerging technology: As adoption accelerates, it’s becoming a ubiquitous delivery option for all kinds of IT.
Most businesses are using the cloud, and many have cloud-first strategies. But most have transitioned only a minority of their applications to cloud environments. Many rely heavily on traditional IT, and use cloud services tactically rather than strategically. Constraints and risks limit their adoption.
The digital imperative Cloud is becoming essential not just to optimise costs, but to give the business the flexibility it needs in the digital era. With cloud, new environments can be provisioned in minutes; computing becomes more efficient, scalable and automated.
Exploiting the benefits of cloud more fully across IT is essential if IT operations are to support the demands of the business for agility and competitive advantage. Businesses and IT are under pressure to shape an enterprise cloud strategy, execute mass migration of applications to the cloud, and use the cloud to support ongoing digital innovation with the business, while keeping everything secure. Businesses which fail to make the transformation to cloud risk being left behind.
Moving towards the ‘enterprise hybrid cloud’, adopting a hybrid cloud strategy, enables businesses to move each workload to the environment which best meets its requirements. This allows performance and risk factors to be balanced while migrating the applications portfolio to the cloud.
For example, organisations with major concerns about data privacy, data sovereignty, network latency and data & applications availability, or with specific regulatory constraints or customisation needs typically do not view public cloud or Software as a Service (SaaS) as the solution for every application. Instead, they are moving to a hybrid environment, with SaaS, legacy applications and cloud-native applications running on different types of cloud infrastructure – private and public cloud, dedicated on premise and multi-tenant hosted. The migration, integration and management activities this involves demand an experienced partner. You benefit from modernisation of your applications portfolio, and the enterprise hybrid cloud which best supports your business processes.
As experts in cybersecurity as well as cloud, we embed security services throughout our approach. Wherever you are in your cloud adoption journey, Volumeremote helps you become a cloud-first business that is efficient, agile, flexible, and more competitive.