Unlock your Volume knowledge

Unlock your Volume knowledge

Volume is a system which is simple to setup and easy to use; however, it is easy to pick up bad habits, resort back to old ways of working and see efficiency slip. Watermark Technologies believe that the unique document system is a workplace essential and should...
Compliance made easy

Compliance made easy

Without effective document management and record keeping, companies put themselves at risk of not complying with legislation. Paperwork often gets lost, misfiled, and/ or forgotten about. As you are already aware The Insurance Act 2015 came into place on 12th August...
Is space costing you money?

Is space costing you money?

‘Time is money,’ a very familiar and famous quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin but have you ever stopped to consider that ‘space is money’? How much is paper costing you per square metre? One of the biggest challenges to overcome is the fact that human beings love...