Import Scanning Bureau Documents

Import Scanning Bureau Documents KB028 – Importing documents created by a scanning bureau This article details how to import TIF images supplied by a scanning bureau which has used software external to Volume to create the images. Please Note: Only TIF image...

Importing Client details from a CSV file

Importing Client details from a CSV file Client file names and their associated details such as address, phone numbers, etc can be imported from a CSV file generated by another system, for example an Excel spreadsheet. A CSV (Comma Separated Value) file is a text file...

Importing files from KGS

Importing files from KGS KB027 – Import files into Volume using scanning bureau KGS KGS are a Volume recommended scanning bureau. Their scanning process produces import files that are compatible with Volume and can be imported directly into previously identified...

Integration with XPLAN

Integration with XPLAN Details to configure Volume and XPLAN integration Volume software allows users to jump from the xplan system directly into client files held within Volume. Volume also allows a full syncronisation to take place this adds and updated client files...

Intelliflo Link to Volume

Intelliflo Link to Volume Volume integrates with Intelliflo’s Intelligent Office system at client level. This integration can import new clients details and update existing ones. Deletions are ignored. It will also jump, in Volume, to the currently selected client...