by Watermark | 31 Aug, 2017 | Knowledge Base
Corrupted Database KB010 – Advise regarding corruption on Firebird database This document is only applicable to installations that use the Firebird database software. In the event of any messages which refer to corruption or ‘internet GDS check’ please contact...
by Watermark | 31 Aug, 2017 | Knowledge Base
Create a Client List KB011 – Functionality to export a client list from Volume A client/file list can be produced in most popular file formats such as Excel or CSV for example. A scanning bureau may require this list to match paper files with the file IDs stored...
by Watermark | 31 Aug, 2017 | Knowledge Base
Database is Currently being Upgraded KB012 – The message ‘The database is currently being upgrade by someone else, please try again later’ is shown During a software update, Pack or Index Rebuild the message ‘The database is currently being upgrade by someone...
by Watermark | 31 Aug, 2017 | Knowledge Base
Delete a User from Volume KB013 – Guidance on how make a user account inactive or delete a user account from Volume When a logon is no longer required the Volume system allows user accounts to either be deleted or marked as inactive. Making a logon inactive is...
by Watermark | 31 Aug, 2017 | Knowledge Base
Deleted Client / File in Error KB014 – Guide to recovering a client files paperwork that was removed in error 1 If a file is deleted, its documents are sent to the recycle bin of the same user who performed the delete. For easy viewing the documents are held in...