Volumeremote security
1. What security features are there to prevent unauthorised access?
Logon is made via a User name and strong password combination specific to each user.
Site specific encryption keys are required on each client (that can be instantly switched to disable access if for example a laptop is stolen).
TLS1.2 encryptions.
Data is stored in a proprietary format
Time based authentication on every packet
2. How often is data backed up?
Remote SQL server databases operate with the following standard schedule, unless special requirements occur;
i) Full backups—weekly
ii) Differential backups—nightly
iii) Transactional backups—every hour
Paperwork is backed up no more than 10 minutes after being added to multiple geographical locations allowing multiple redundancy.
All databases and paperwork are copied to multiple different geographical locations at all levels of backup.
3. Is there a disaster recovery plan in place? Can the data be extracted by an external party if anything happened to Watermark?
There are a number of plans in place for specific disasters, including keeping spare server capacity to allow loads to be moved, standby virtual servers at other locations and backups in multiple locations. The volume servers are able to automatically restore paperwork from backup as required, removing the need to perform a complete restoration to new servers.
Data can be extracted using the Volume application.