Without effective document management and record keeping, companies put themselves at risk of not complying with legislation. Paperwork often gets lost, misfiled, and/ or forgotten about.
As you are already aware The Insurance Act 2015 came into place on 12th August 2016.
“Businesses often face a challenge when required to produce evidence of a paper trail; Volume helps to avoid and overcome such issues providing an audit trail between client, broker and insurance company”
What makes Volume truly unique is that it removes one main requirement of other document management systems- indexing. Indexing is an unnecessary tedious task which takes up a lot of time and requires large amounts of training. Volume allows users to continue to work the way they do with paper but in a digital environment.
Benefits of Volume
Users have the ability to setup file templates to ensure that all employees use the same structure creating a quick and easy way to identify when information is missing or incomplete. Preview
MS Office integration make it simple and easy to keep an audit trail of working documents. Preview
Recycle bin
Brokers may be concerned regarding the lack of control they currently have over client paperwork and the amount of records which are lost, destroyed or misfiled every day. Volume recognises this and client information can never been deleted from the system.
Security and confidentiality are essential for many businesses. For this reason dedicated ‘super users’ have the ability to add certain restrictions/ privileges to individual employees locking documents and applying fixed structures. Preview
Learn more about ‘best practice’
Volume is simple to implement and use yet sophisticated enough for use with major Insurance Brokers.